I have been working with non-profit agencies for 20+ years and have successfully won $50+ million in federal, state and local funds during that time. I am honored to partner with so many amazing nonprofits doing the hard work in communities all over the U.S. Whether completing the outline and writing the entire application or just providing professional editing, we can work collaboratively to apply for a winning proposal that fits your needs and meets the guidelines set forth by the funder. I will provide the tools and expertise needed to assist your organization in fully developing a strategic plan. This will ensure your readiness for funding opportunities with quick turn-around and deadlines. I have reviewed many federal and local grants. As you can see from the list of successful grants below, I have written on many topics. I am especially familiar with substance misuse disorders, the continuum of care, and mental health issues. I am happy to complete a Compliance and Review for clients as a pre-submission review.
Working collaboratively with unlikely partners is how we grow, prosper and become change-agents. Accurate data, effective policies and innovative thinking will advance your mission. Let me help you get there.
Below are some of the successful grants I have written over my career: NH State Adult Day Program Services, $477,500 FY24 and renewable for 2.5 years Support for Trauma Affected Refugees, SAMHSA $2.4 million FY24 Minority AIDS Initiative, SAMHSA $2.5 million FY23 Congressionally Directed Spending: HRSA and SAMHSA for $1.2 million combined, FY23 HHS, ACL, Elder Justice Innovation Grants FY2021 USDA, Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program (HBIIP) NH Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Support Services SAMHSA Targeted Capacity Expansion: Special Projects SAMHSA Targeted Capacity Expansion: MAT, Prescription Drug and Opioid Addiction SAMHSA Recovery Community Service Program, Statewide for RI Office of Refugee Resettlement, Residential (Shelter) Services for Unaccompanied Children SAMHSA System of Care Planning Grant Expansion SAMHSA Treatment Drug Court Grant BJA/DOJ Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program Drug Free Communities Support Program USDA Farmers Market Promotion Program Homeland Security and Emergency Management Grants Department of Justice, Edward Byrne Grants One ME and Essential Services, ME Department of Energy Grants America's Promise 100 Best Communities for Young People Service to Science Program Award Department of Transportation, FTA Grants Substance Use Disorder Direct Services, NH DHHS Strategic Prevention Framework Grants, NH and ME Partnership for Success II Grant, Higher Ed- NH American Medical Association Grant NH Charitable Foundation Grants, NH Cogswell Benevolent Trust New York State Balancing Incentive Program Transformation Fund New York State OPWDD Family Support Services Program NY State Office of Mental Health BH/DD Technology Investment Program Treatment Service Grants, MA Fidelity Foundation Daisy Marquis Jones Foundation Davenport Hatch Foundation RI Foundation Norwin S and Elizabeth N Bean Foundation Dobles Foundation Monadnock United Way Collaborative Grants, NH